We all have a different internal system of “parts” that are experienced as thoughts, feelings or bodily sensations. Often our parts can take over in a reactive way to defend us when we feel blamed or shamed…. How does this work and what are the parts that come to your rescue? And how do you know when a “part” is taking over or you’re experiencing your “true” self. That will be the basis of our work. Helping you live and make choices from your true Self rather than reacting in a defensive way.

If you want to start to get an understanding of how your defenses (Parts) work, take a moment to do this guided audio visualization. Click below to hear the audio. 


Now check here if you see a part that feels familiar:

   Self Critic




   Scared Child

   Angry Teenager

   Addict Part

   People Pleaser

   Inner Bully


   Blocking Part

   Depressed Part

   Impulsive/ADD Part
